Hey Guys,
So today I am going to start my Back to school series by doing my top tips about going back to school, so here goes.
Tip 1 - Uniform
So this was a major issue at my secondary school and after buying so many different pairs of trousers and the teachers saying we can't wear them, so before you start back in september check your school's uniform policy or if you don't know ring the school up because you will probably find that someone in your school's reception will be in and will be able to tell you the uniform policy.
Tip 2 - Lunch
So to keep your brain going during school you are going to make sure you are eating healthy and drinking. If you don't eat or drink you make yourself ill. Especially near exams you need to make sure you have left time to eat and drink. I didn't give myself time to eat and I ended up feeling dizzy and not being able to concentrate fully. So a major tip I would give to anyone, any age is to eat healthy and to keep hydrated.
Tip 3 - Equipment
You need to make sure you have the right equipment that you need for your lessons that day, don't take stuff that you don't need because it will just make your bag to heavy and you always see those year 7's that look like turtle's because there bags are massive because they have everything for the whole week in this one bag.
Tip 4 - Hair
You need to find hairstyles you find easy to do when your half asleep for me I just did a ponytail everyday because its what i found easy in the mornings but I know you guys can be much more creative. So here is an idea comment below your favourite hairstyles for school.
Tip 5 - Make up
I am not going to say don't wear makeup but if you are going to wear it don't wear loads, and make it look as if its natural so you will get away with it. Also if you are told that you are wearing to much don't wear as much as you wore that day.
Tip 6 - Watch
Wear a watch because you will always need to know the time, and you don't want to be late for your lessons. Being lessons we mean you will have less time for learning and could lead to you being punished and losing your breaks or lunches.
Tip 7 - Technology
Laptops, tablets and phones can be really useful for research, but how ever during time for revision and homework they could be distractions. So when you need to revise turn off your laptop, phone and tablet, however technology can be useful because there are lots of apps and sites to help you revise but make sure you use them probably and don't cheat.
Tip 8 - Teachers
We all feel like teachers are there to make us ruin our lives, however they are there to improve our lives this is going to improve the jobs we are going to have when we are older. So don't be one of those students that doesn't behave, don't do their homework and just causes the teacher to be stressed and annoyed. This is ruins the teachers day and will affect the other classes they have to teach later that day.
Tip 9 - Homework
This might be really boring, however this could really improve your grade and its to prove that you have been understanding the work and that you will be okay to do tests and exams on the topic. So don't ignore it actually do it, its only your education you are risking.
Tip 10 - Help
Don't let yourself struggle with the work that you are doing actually ask for help, or use BBB.
B is for Book. Look through your book and see if any past work could help you with this piece of work.
B is for Buddy. If the person next to you understands it ask them if they would explain it to you.
B is for Boss. If the last two options have not helped as your teacher for help.
Tip 11 - Revision
Don't expect to pass with last minute revision or no revision. Give yourself time to revise at least a couple of months this will help you digest more information. Also if you don't understand something it gives you time to ask your teacher about it. Also try different techniques to see what suits you best.
Okay guys, thanks for reading today's post, don't forget to check out my previous posts. Also don't forget to check out and subscribe to my youtube channel. Please follow my blog, recommend this blog post and also comment future ideas for blogs or youtube videos below.
Mandybelle x